His grace is sufficient for me, for power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Oh No, He Didn't!

So...here's a true story. I still sleep with my stuffed animal dog, Snowball! Snowball is 19 years old...we get along just fine, and she's always there for me! :-)

Upon getting married, it was kind of nice that my hubby worked at night so Snowball could continue to be my nighttime companion. I would much rather have Greg, but since he was unavailable, I'm glad Snowball could fill in for him as my snuggle buddy!

Little Greg went down to sleep last night. He called me to his gate multiple times to tell him good night and take him potty, etc. One time I went and he said he wanted to give Daddy a hug night night...so off we went to our room to give Daddy hugs and kisses night night. And then Greg saw Snowball on the bed...and then this happened!

He STOLE her and took her with him!
So happy with his new friend!

So...I tried to convince him that Snowball was Mommy's and he was not buying it. Off he went with her. I may or may not have tried to take her away more than once. But no worries...as soon as he was asleep, I went in to rescue Snowball!