His grace is sufficient for me, for power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Obsess, much?

Greg's latest obsession is his hat!
I think that this latest obsession is funny because last summer when he was bald and pale...okay, he's still pale...he would not keep a hat on AT.ALL!
About a month...maybe two months...Greg had become obsessed with Greg's hats and just wearing them in the car or whenever he saw them. Then his obsession grew, and my poor husband could not wear his hats out at all because Greg would just take them. In other words, hubby would leave the house with a hat...but it was quickly confiscated!
We found the perfect hat for him...just in time for football season!
Greg wears the hat ALL.THE.TIME! As soon as he sees it, he must have it...therefore, I hide it after bed time so he forgets about it....but as soon as we get ready to leave the house, I hear, "hat. hat. hat." And when the hat comes out...it never goes away. He does take it off for dinner. He does not take it off to go to sleep...obsessed, much? YES!
Please, Mom, no more pictures!

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