His grace is sufficient for me, for power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Baptismal Day, Maria Grace!

This little cutie has been rockin' the Catholic faith for 1 year (1/22)!
By now, many of you know that Baptismal Days have been a big deal as I grew up, and are a big deal in our little family! Last October, I decided with Greg's 2nd Baptismal Day to do an update on their spiritual life! :-) So hear it goes!
*Maria (as of late December) goes to the nursery for the first half of Mass. I have mixed feeling with this, but she loves it. The first few times she cried, but she does great now. It makes it a lot easier that she knows Greg will be with her. Many times her great friend Zoe is there to make sure that "ria" is taken care of!
*Maria and Greg both come out of the nursery for Communion. We like having them come down to receive their blessing as we receive Jesus.
*We pray with Maria before bedtime, but she really has no idea what's going on.
*During grace before meals, when we start the sign of the cross she puts out her hands for you to hold. PRECIOUSNESS!

And that pretty much sums up where our sweet 1 year old is in her faith journey! :-)

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