His grace is sufficient for me, for power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Busch Gardens!

Last month, we took Greg on the Girl's Trip with some of my family from Colorado on my Mom's side. We usually take our trip in the mountains of Colorado, but this year my mom, Grandma, Ronda, Eryn, Greg, Maria and myself ventured out to Virginia. It was great! I love time with these girls! While up in Williamsburg, VA, we headed out for a day at Busch Gardens! They had a whole kids zone based on Sesame Street!! It was AWESOME!

They had rides for the kids, too! You had to be 36 inches to ride alone...Greg is 35 inches...but you can ride with a parent if you don't meet the height requirement. And let's be real...most kids are not 20 months and 36 inches...but like 2, 2 1/2 and 36 inches....Greg was the youngest rider for sure! First stop...Elmo's freefall!
Here we are waiting for the ride to start...he had NO idea what was going to happen!
We held hands...the entire time!
Here we go up!! Hello down there!! Now...this wasn't a typical free fall...it lifted you to the top, and dropped you a little bit slowly...then raised you up and dropped you a little faster and a little lower...and then worked you up to the drop from the top to the bottom. It seriously was like a 3 minute ride!
Here we go!
This makes me laugh...sign me up for Mom of the Year...first big kid ride....Free Fall equals FAIL! This picture was after the dramatic drop from top to bottom. He really just cried for like 2 seconds...and maybe he was shaking when I took him off of the ride...oops!
Let's try this. This ride just kind of swings you in a circle at a not so worrisome speed.
Here we go...this could be fun! (Yes this is me and my cousin Eryn. Eryn is a rising sophomore in highschool...yes...we are dressed the same...don't judge me...it was hot! She looked way better though...maybe since she hasn't had two babies within 15 months!)
Holding on tight...and maybe getting a little nervous!
All was going pretty well until we switched directions...not a fan...but he didn't cry!
This ride was way more his style...it seriously went 1mph...he loved it...maybe we should have started here? Perhaps next time I will start with slow rides and work our way up to the free fall...oops! Needless to say... skipped the roller coaster...it was going a little too fast!

On we went to meet the gang from Sesame Street...these POOR POOR people in massive costumes had to be MISERABLE!!! It was SOOOOO hot!
Greg met Zoe first...he did not know what to think...
(please excuse my beyond super pale legs)
This is Abby...he stared at her a long time...
and then Abby pulled Greg in for a hug!
Greg saw Ernie and went straight to him...he did not reach out his arms...he just leaned on him until Ernie hugged him! SOOO sweet!
He really loved Ernie!!

Our day at the park was great! We all took turns with the stroller so we could all ride the big kid rides, too! :-)


  1. So all I can think about while reading this is the story of YOU standing in line for the roller coaster. Way to traumatize your child, ALyshia...haha. The question is, did he pick the buttons off of his shirt and hand them to you? :)

    Looks like you had a great time! Love all the pictures, they certainly capture the emotions of the day :)

  2. hahahahhaha that picture is awesome! i cannot believe they let him ride! hes still so tiny!! :) but the picture is priceless!!!! i have worn the ernie suit for a whole day INSIDE...i would NEVER be able to do what they do outside in the heat!! UGH!!! miss you guys!! i cannot wait to see you guys tomorrow!!! love you!

  3. Love these pictures Alyshia, especially the one of him crying on the ride! YOu do know it's a mom's job to traumatize their children! Way to go! And hey I think you look pretty darn good for having two kids in 15 months. Can't wait to see you and the little ones in a couple of weeks!
