Our little pumpkin is 11 months old! HOLY COW!! He is growing like a weed, and he amazes me every day in what he can do!! Here's some updates:
* Greg is moving into size 4 diapers!
* Greg faces forward in his carseat....such a bog boy!
*I'm not sure how much he weighs...but I am guessing 23 pounds...maybe closer to 24!
*He is tall....I'm guessing between 33 and 35 inches!
* He is in size 12 months clothing for everything!
* He LOVES bath time! He could spend hours in the tub if I let him!
* He loves to eat!! Some new favorites: pasta, pizza, chicken nuggets, anything sweet!
*He is learning the word no - he even bit me the other day when I told him no, and moved him away from something!
* He is a master stair climber!
* He play peek a boo really well! In the car, he will hold his blanket over his face, and we ask, "where is Greg?" and he pulls the blanket down! PRECIOUS!!
* He is WALKING!!!! Not everywhere yet...I think he knows he is faster at crawling! He takes 10-12 steps at a time! It's precious to watch!
* He would rather feed himself, than have someone spoon feed him!
* He gets angry when toys do not cooperate with him!
* He still takes 2-3 naps a day...and at least one of them is 2 hours! YAY for Mommy!
* He loves to be thrown up in the air and wrestled with!
* He loves horsie rides from Papa!
* He loves to push his cars around on the floor!
atop Grammy's car!
* Greg will begin drinking whole milk this month, and we will be weening his last bottle at nighttime!
* He is very curious about EVERYTHING!
* Greg makes the dadada sound for Greg and the mamamama sound for me!
* He would rather explore than converse with anyone!
He loves holding the beeper! He even pushes buttons as he holds it to the TV! We have spent hours trying to get our TV back on English when he changes it to Spanish!
* Greg does not liked to be touched by strangers!
* He is not a fan of wearing shoes!
* He throws his food off of his high chair when he is all done!
* He HATES getting his diaper changed - it is quite the task to change and diaper and entertain him!
* He LOVES to snuggle with blankies!
* He has mastered object permanence!
We are so blessed to have him! We know he will be a great big brother to Maria Grace when she gets here!
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